- Website
- http://www.vscc.co.za/
- Facebook page
- https://www.facebook.com/carsi…
- az.oc.ccsv@bulc
- Phone
- +27 (0)76 095 0449
- Contact Name
- junior fouche
This thriving motoring enthusiasts club serves the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands and beyond. Members can look forward to regular social gatherings and motoring events.
The Vintage Sports Car Club is a family-oriented club with the aim of furthering the interest and knowledge of historic vehicles and promoting the collection, restoration, preservation and operation of South Africa's motoring history, be it a veteran, vintage or classic motor car, truck, bus, motorcycle or special interest vehicle. All are welcome.
We exchange knowledge and expertise and encourage younger people to join and share in our appreciation for historic vehicles.
The Club promotes the hobby of antique car collecting and provides a means for members and others to meet, socialize, restore, and show their vehicles.
There is a wonderful camaraderie amongst our members and they enjoy the fun and excitement that motoring from a bygone era brings.
The VSCC is one of the very few motor clubs in South Africa that has security of tenure by owning their clubhouse.
Our popular pub venue 'The Klink' (so named because we are located in a wartime prison building, since modified) is open from just after 5 every second Friday night with braai fires provided, a very congenial gathering point for car and bike enthusiasts alike. Wives and partners are not forgotten and are strongly represented at all of our gatherings.
We also enjoy regular Sunday outrides to lunch or breakfast venues within a comfortable drive/ride from Pietermaritzburg. Members are informed of other local club gatherings, runs and shows and are encouraged to participate in these events.
Once a month, on a Saturday, we participate in a 'Bonnet-up' display of members' vehicles to which other clubs and the public are invited. These displays are often themed - 'American Cars', 'Alfa day' and once a year 'Hobbies Day' where members display their hobby interest other than tinkering with old vehicles.
The big event on our calendar is 'Cars in the Park' the longest-running show of its kind in the country, the first event being held in February 1976. Club members pull together to stage this massive event which attracts in excess of 12 000 spectators who meander around the popular shady and pleasant venue in Alexandra Park.
The special flavour of this event is centred around the participation of clubs whose members enjoy picnics in the park grounds while a variety of events happen around them; music, prizes and lots and lots of good food is available for all.
In recent years the grounds have been packed to capacity with over 1400 vehicles on display. Each year we have a 'Special Display' theme. Come and join us, ownership of a veteran, vintage or classic vehicle is not a prerequisite - just an interest in motoring of any description and vehicles pre-1980.
Only online registration is available to enter your vehicle for the event.
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