Trans-Africa Rally

zaCapetown, South Africa   za Durban, South Africa
Event Type
Rally, Tour
28 April 2024 to 26 May 2024
Departure location
South Africa Cape Province Capetown
Arrival location
South Africa Kwa-Zulu Natal Durban
Event organiser
Destination Rally
Inserted By
Bruno Leunen

7.766 km - 29 Days - 7 Countries. An Adventure Rally !
The best & most complete Southern Africa rally by far.

South Africa, Namibia,Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Eswatini.
From Capetown to Durban, an epic journey, for confirmed drivers. Cars must be well prepared for the African roads and parks. Although an adventure, the hotels & Lodges are some of the most luxurious  of the continent. Amazing animal viewing.  Limited to  only 18 cars. Cars must be older than 1980. Limited 4x4 on demand.

About the organizer

As a rally organizing company we are part of the Belgian federation of Classic cars. We are a team of 8 people working on the logistics and administration. We have recruited the best mechanics and have a fantastic medical emergency team to accompany each rally. We survey the roads in each country at least twice before the rally, complete with the evaluation of the medical facilities and the contact with the local emergency service. We work hand in hand with the local authorities to insure their support throughout.

We live a passion for classic cars, but we also feel strongly about the need to discover the places and meeting the local people that we cross along the way. We care about the well-being of the participants and their security.
