Motary 2024

beArendonk, Belgium   be Arendonk - Hapert - Turnhout, Belgium
Event Type
Rally, Tour
20 April 2024
Departure location
Belgium Antwerpen 2370 Arendonk meerdere adressen
Arrival location
Belgium Arendonk - Hapert - Turnhout
Event organiser
Rotary Club Arendonk
Inserted By
Rotary Club Arendonk

An animated drive througout 'de Kempen' for bikers, oldtimers
en youngtimers, (no age restrictions, all brands allowed).

Unique to Motary is the fact that you can start at multiple locations based on your home-address or preferred starting location. The tour is approximately 120km and will bring you back to the starting address.

As an extra you can drive-through the companies or visit the productions at the starting adresses and there are foodtrucks at these locastions. Participant receive a roadbook and rallyplate after timely registration, for bikersa gpx file will be made available.
